Hi, I am Andreu Vinyoles


A picture of Andreu Vinyoles

What I do

Software Development

Proficient in crafting scalable architectures for projects of varied sizes. Expertise in back-end, especially Java, Spring, Groovy, embracing TDD for robustness. Integrating front-end (JavaScript, HTML, CSS) for user-centric solutions.

Software Configuration

Configuration of SAAS solutions, streamlining ETL processes, and integrating among other client services (CRM, ERP). Meticulously prepare client data for optimal transformation.

Data analysis

Proficient in Python and Jupyter notebooks for insightful data analysis. Using Apache Spark and Hadoop for robust processing of vast amounts of data. Expert at data preparation techniques.

My Work

Who I am

Software developer Barcelona based

I'm a professional specialized in driving innovative software solutions, now working in the realm of pricing strategy. With a PhD in earth science, I've evolved into a Configuration Engineer at Pearson Ham Group. I'm responsible of implementing and maintaining software solutions that supports our clients pricing strategies.

Throughout my development journey, I've worked with a wide spectrum of languages, adapting to their details and particularities. While programming, my approach centers on adapting the software architecture to each problem's complexity, guided by the principle "Simplicity is the key to brilliance", as stated by Bruce Lee.

If you're looking for collaboration opportunities or need guidance about the pricing strategy, I invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn or reach out via email at andreu_vinyoles@hotmail.com. Let's explore how we can achieve remarkable solutions together!

Andreu Vinyoles on the mountain

My work

A selection of my range of work

Flamenco Metronome with some of the options.
Compás y Flamenco A Flamenco Metronome

I am learning to play flamenco guitar and during the process I realized that there is not a tool such a free flamenco metronome online. Flamenco time...

Sample of the code showing a modify entry method.
Employee Management Platform

As a project for the IT Academy (Barcelona), I had to make a Spring project applying a MVC architecture that must do HTTP petitions with a CRUD. Those...

Front page of my website
Personal porfolio Webpage creation

I needed a personal website to show my work to the world. Also, I wanted to learn HTML and CSS during the process of creating the website....

Cyclic curves generated by the model
Mountain building and Climatic signal propagation

The climatic cyclicity found on the 40 million years old sediments of Belsué syncline (northern Spain) can be correlated with the periodical changes...

some lines of the script
Groovy scripting For data processing

After the computation of a numerical model, it turns up the need of downscaling some of the results. Specifically, it is needed to add two properties...

3D view of the numerical model
Pyrenean Forward stratigraphic model

The Pyrenean mountain growth took place during 80 million years and affected the sediment distribution on the area. Simultaneously, took place multipl...